
Michael Kessler is a 21-year-old man-boy-child/Recording Industry student attending Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro TN, just southeast of Nashville. At 3:54 pm CST on November 14th, 2021, he will achieve widespread critical and commercial acclaim for his work on the electronic pop solo-project Kytoon. If you’d like to witness his metamorphosis from noodle-armed weakling to balding music industry kingpin firsthand, sign up for his mailing list here. In the meantime, he enjoys blogging about deep thoughts on music, science, social issues, and being alive.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. I just have to say, your article about prolong loneliness was such a fascinating read, and one I can absolutely relate to. I took a semester off from college to work in a city that’s 1,038 miles away from my home and it’s been quite the adjustment. Thank you for this and I hope to continue reading your blog!


    1. Thanks so much! That sounds really tough. Props to you for taking that leap–really says a lot about your character and ambition. Hang in there.


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